We are underway on a gorgeous home office remodel. The builtins were one of the first projects we tackled in the new house because Rainman’s desk was surrounded by boxes- literally stacked up to the top of the nine foot ceilings. Sorry if that was misleading. They’re not finished. Just waiting on trim, the cap and crown, and hardware. Like everything else here: we got to 90% finished and moved onto the next project.
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We may be the only people in the world that still maintain a library, but that’s a different story. The cool faux cowhide rug is super cool and we had existing office furniture from the old house that works. We got a fantastic Globe Light Fixture from World Market but I feel like the ceiling needs a special treatment. And, of course, hoping that the finishing touches to the builtins will follow the ceiling treatment, I started looking. We both dig maps and of course, the Compass Rose, so I am sorting through ways of using maps as ceiling and wall treatments. I am in love with this inspiration, so here are the best ideas I found.
Map on the ceiling:

Inside tray ceilings. Perfection.

If you happen to have an office/library the size of a ballroom with an exquisite arched ceiling, this is an excellent treatment. Bravo!

I love that the crown is incorporated as a frame inside the tray ceiling. Very well done.

So, no, the Compass Rose is not a map, but I was picturing it overlayed on a map. I do love the combination of the map on the wall in the background with the Rose on the ceiling.

I realize this isn’t a true map, but it feels like remnants of the map. I love how antiqued this is.

What an awesome design and commitment to book collection and proper display. I ADORE the ceiling nook with the added depth of the map.

Apparently, this is a painting. Unreal. Stunning.

I adore the texture and colors in this.

What an elegant traditional office. The ceiling map is just the right touch.
Maps on the wall:

I love this little carved out nook and would love to see some wood shelves in there.

This vendor on Ebay (for the two above) has a whole bunch of different styles. I love that they’re only around sixty bucks… cheaper even than wallpaper for a comparable wall and WAY cooler!

This is so great. Rustic finishes and beams. The map really enhances the look.

Essener Mural Wallpaper paired with a gorgeous antique leather Chesterfield couch. Half Restoration Hardware, half steam punk. All love.
Here are some more examples I’d put on a wall OR on a ceiling:

This may be the one for the office ceiling. It’s perfection.

If you’re looking for more of a traditional map, but still with beautiful antiquing, this might be the way to go.

I hope you enjoyed exploring inspiration for decorating with maps with us and I would love to see some of your ideas/projects in the comments! I will share the results as soon as we get that map on the ceiling (here’s to everyone collectively holding their breath)!
Check out other inspiration and DIY posts here!
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