Mashup Monday: Brick Ceilings That Will Make You Swoon

“But, Lisa, ” you admonish me. “I’m not fancy enough to have brick ceilings.” And I snap back, “Rubbish!!!” (Because that’s how fancy people talk). “You, little love, can have a home that looks like a castle. Enough of your negativity!” In my BEST British accent. And I mean it.*

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Guess what? We’re doing this. And so can you.


  1. the impact a brick ceiling will make in the overall feel of a room (of a HOUSE).
  2. how much it could make you believe you’re not living in a home built in 1990.
  3. how much you’ll love it and want to make everyone who drives by your house, including random strangers, come in and see your brick ceiling. Well, at least post it on Instagram like the ridiculously proud parent of an honor student.
  4. how simple it is to do (I didn’t say EASY or NOT MESSY, I just said simple).

Make no mistake. Your body will hurt. Your hands will cramp. And at some point during your installation you will hate me. You’ll scream, “why, why, Lisa, did you lie to me?” as a clump of grout drops onto your tear-stained face.

But, the results. OH, THE CHAMPAGNE AND MASQUERADE BALL WORTHY RESULTS! You will pull the grout out of your hair, and crack your aching neck,… but you will lay down on the floor to gaze up at it in all of it’s wondrous glory, ignoring the dog licking your face and the cats laying on your belly.

Yes, you can.

Let me show you what I mean.

First up: I’d like to brag about our little brick ceiling in the breakfast nook in the kitchen. We had the best little angled ceiling bump out that was absolutely BEGGING to be swathed in brick. How could I deny her that? How ridiculously cute is THIS???

Want to try it? Check out our installation post on how simple the process really is (with tips and tricks since we’ve done this FIVE TIMES already in this house).

PSSSST: you can do it and we can give you a discount code on the brick!  Go to Old Mill Brick’s Website and use our discount code CALLSIGN at checkout!

Now, here are some truly awesome pictures of brick ceilings in a whole bunch of amazing, fancy homes and buildings that I wish I could visit and kiss every single one of them…

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I am honest about my experiences with different products and write because I enjoy it.  I do however, have the opportunity to earn money for my writing, also. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, LTK, and other affiliate programs: affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other sites.  These programs offer a small commission on products sold through their affiliate links.  Each of your purchases via our affiliation links supports our cause at no additional cost to you.

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